Spring in Herzegovina – Immortelle farm

20.3.2017. is officially the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere.

In Herzegovina Spring is very evident by the temperatures through last week, ( 15 to 20 March ) reaching 25 degrees Celsius (77 Fahrenheit), and today on 25.3.2017. in Mostar near our plantation we measured 28 degrees Celsius ( (77 Fahrenheit). The whole nature woke up and the landscape begins to show all its beauty.

No region in the world can boast of such climatic conditions.

Picture is taken in the middle of March and Rosemary is already bloomed

Moreover, we believe that the climatic conditions in Herzegovina unique in the world and support the growth of unique medicinal plant culture., from which we distill premium organic essential oils.

In our vision Bosnia and Herzegovina should be a natural pharmacy of the world.

I will write more about this specific phenomenon in the coming days.

Immortelle just like almost all other plants in Herzegovina began with its growth and we believe that this year could give a little earlier harvest. Winter was slightly sharper, but the immortelle on our plantation perfect filed the winter, and even those plants that had some damage now justifies its name (Immortelle) and rejuvenate.

One of the few damaged plants on plantation recovering justifying its name – Heart of Immortelle beats in the root.

On picture above it is evident that immortelle has the ability to rejuvenate itself even from dry branches. About this we have already written how Immortelle returned to life from dry branches that was losing the battle with forest vegetation.

It is well know that heart of Immortelle beats in its root.

On our farm currently there is almost no work around the helichrysum, because we have decided to continue our way of farming which does not apply almost any cultivation of plants. Again We will not water nor fertilize and even dig up soil around plants.

We have no problem with the surrounding vegetation that grows around everlasting. We just left immortelle to grow just like in nature

As you can see plants are very healthy and it will not be for a long time when it will show all its beauty.

All our time and energy is currently given to the farm in the form of project eco lake and park that we will introduce very soon on our website.
Our vision is to create a peaceful oasis for body and soul. We are at the beginning, but somewhere we have to start.

Currently the vast majority around helichrysumis carried out in the greenhouse, where we are working to raise new immortelle plants and other medicinal herbs which will soon be planted on farm.
Company New Day ltd ( Novi Dan d.o.o. ) is also working on a new distillery of essential oils that will be the highlight of the world technology, because we believe that distillation process is one of the key elements for top quality essential oil.

All in all a very busy month for us and our farm.

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