GC ANALYSIS – Helichrysum Italicum essential oil

Most important thing about helichrysum oil in addition to organic farmingis is GC analysis.

Short word about GC/MS

GC is type of chromatography used for separating and analyzing
compounds. Used in analytical chemistry show purity of a particular
substance as well as the values of the individual substance.

In the case of helichrysum oil analysis it proves its purity as well as quality, which is one of the basic conditions before buying helichrysum essential oil as well as other essential oils.

Because of its cost, immortelle essential oil is often diluted with cheaper ingredients if not completely counterfeit.

Therefore, it is extremely important that you buy essential oils from
certified manufacturers, preferably directly from farms and
distilleries that are organically certified.

Helichrysum italicum oil analysis on our farm

Analysis was conducted by Dr. Pappas a Ph.D. chemist at Essential Oil University and the Institute “Dr Josif Pancic” in Belgrade.

Helichrysum italicum ME0191 analysis essential oil
Latest analysis – season 2019
Season 2017 – Helichrysum italicum essential oil analysis
Season 2016 – Helichrysum italicum essential oil analysis

GCMS Helichrysum oil analysis archive

It is interesting to see how the value of the individual components changes depending on the time of harvest (Juny-July and October) and the age of the plant.

Since we are a young plantation (2015.) we wanted to take the opportunity to see the value of the oil at all stages of plant development and at different times of harvest.

We think that this will allow us a better quality of oil in future harvests because we want studious approach the process of cultivating, harvesting and distillation.

As the analysis confirmed harvest time and the location and age of the plant, together with some other factors ( Distillation equipment and art of distillation ) certainly affect the quality of immortelle essential oil.

GC analyzes showed that each sample from our farm have one of the best results in important values. ( in the region. )

Oil is overall well balanced with high major components. (high in nery, italdiones, pinene and curcumene).

From all of these analyzes it is apparent that components of oil is changing depending on the plant age , time of harvest and distillation.

Nevertheless, the unique climate and the position of our plantation that was built on the natural habitat of Helichrysum italicum in all cases give a very high quality oil.

Immortelle oil from plantation is not oil that is rich in only one component, but it is oil that is well-balanced and rich in all major components that helichrysum oil should have.

We will regularly post analysis of our helichrysum essential oil after each harvest, just like any other news from farm and distillery.

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